IPhO University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy Chapter Present!
It was a wonderful weekend to listen and learn more about the APPE and Fellowship opportunities from current fellows and alumni.We had a great time networking with peers with like interests. Thank you for guiding us on so much like:
Learning about the mindset to approach clinical APPEs when you are determined for a career in industry.
Insights on internships.
Best practices to make you a competitive applicant.
How we should approach Midyear for Fellowships.
Also, how to network.
#valueofindustrypharmacists #IPhO #ipho #thankyou #industrypharmacists #iphouky #pharmacystudents #iphonationalconference2K19
Additonally, special thanks to Fairleigh Dickinson University (FDU) for hosting the conference and being so welcoming to us and providing us dinner.
@ Florham Park, New Jersey
Written By: Thuy Nguyen, PharmD Candidate 2021, IPhO Public Relations